LGBTQ Studies, queer theory, genders and sexualities, race and nation, performance studies, social justice, transnational American studies, popular culture, ethnography, cultural politics, political economy, visual art and culture, museum and archive studies
PhD Northwestern University (Performance Studies with graduate certificate in Gender Studies)
MA University of Texas, Austin (English)
BA University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (English, Journalism and Mass Communication with Spanish language minor)
Jennifer Tyburczy is Associate Professor of Feminist Studies and affiliated faculty in the Department of Theater and Dance and the Latin American and Iberian Studies Program. Her first book, Sex Museums: The Politics and Performance of Display, was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2016. Her research has also been published in Criticism, Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies Museum & Society, QED, Radical History Review, Signs, Text & Performance Quarterly, and Women & Performance, the latter article awarded the Crompton-Noll Award. Based on this research, she curated the award-winning exhibition Irreverent: A Celebration of Censorship for the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art in New York. Tyburczy is currently at work on a second book project, Sex After NAFTA: Crossing Borders and the Economy of Intimacy, in which she employs an interdisciplinary methodology to trace the influence of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on everyday practices of intimacy.
2016 Sex Museums: The Politics and Performance of Display, University of Chicago Press
- Winner of 2017 Lamda Literary Award in LGBTQ Studies
- Best Book of the Year by the GLBTQ Division of the National Communication Association, 2016
2012 "All Museums are Sex Museums," in Radical History Review, special issue on "Calling the Law into Question: Confronting the Illegal and Illicit in Public Arenas," Issue 113, 199-211.
2013 "Queer Curatorship: Performing the History of Race, Sex, and Power in Museums," Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory 23: 1 (2013) 107- 124. Co-winner of the Crompton-Noll Award, GL/Q Caucus, MLA 2014
2014 "Leather Anatomy: Cripping Homonormativity at International Mr. Leather," special issue on "Cripistemologies," edited by Robert McRuer and Merri Lisa Johnson, Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 8, 3 (2014): 275-293.
2015 "Queer Acts of Recovery and Uncovering: Deciphering Mexico through Ephemera in David Wojnarowicz's A Fire in My Belly," Text & Performance Quarterly 31, no. 1, 4-23.
2016 "Sex Toys after NAFTA: Transnational Class Politics, Erotic Consumerism, and the Economy of Female Pleasure in Mexico City." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, special issue on Pleasure and Danger: "Sexual Freedom and Feminism in the Twenty-First Century", Volume 42, Number 1, 123-152.