
Picture of KC Buller
  • Community Relations Specialist
  • (805) 893-3022
  • Theater Dance West, Room 1608
Picture of Taylor Canoles
  • Theater Production Specialist
  • Scenery & Props
  • Theater Dance East 1119
  • Production Manager
  • 805-893-7501
  • Theater Dance West, Room 1605
  • Theater Production Specialist
  • Lighting
  • Audio & Projections
  • Theater Dance West, Room 1613A
  • Principal Musician
  • Theater Dance West, Room 2531
  • Chief Administrative Officer
  • (805) 893-3242
  • Theater Dance West, Room 2522
  • Academic Advisor
  • Theater Dance West, Room 2527
Picture of Lisa Strebler
  • Financial and Administrative Assistant
  • 805-893-5508
  • Theater Dance West, Room 2523
  • Graduate Program Assistant
  • 805-893-3147
  • Theater Dance West, Room 2524
Sandarbh Tripathi
  • Senior Scene Technician
  • Theater Dance West, 1613A
  • Theater Production Supervisor
  • Costumes
  • 805-893-3153
  • Theater Dance East, Room 1313
  • Academic Personnel
  • Chair's Assistant
  • 805-893-7031
  • Theater Dance West, Room 2520