Student Call Board

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Auditions, Callbacks & Casting 

SIGN UP SHEET for Reading Series auditions HERE.

Fill out AUDITION FORM for Reading Series HERE. These are SEPARATE FORMS from DANCE NATION’s. 


SIGN UP SHEET for Dance Nation auditions HERE.



SIGN UP SHEET for R.A.W. auditions HERE

DANCE NATION by Clare Barron


**Please fill out this MANDATORY  AUDITION FORM HERE


**Read the play by checking out a copy in the Production Office but please make a copy or RETURN after reading.


You are eligible to be in “Dance Nation” if you are cast in the Amplify Reading Series 


Welcome to the world of Dance Nation, Clare Barron’s fierce and brave play about ambition, growing up, and the euphoric highs and devastating lows of the adolescent competitive dance world.   


We are casting a diverse ensemble of nine performers.  All ages, races, sexuality, bodies and souls are encouraged to audition.  There is dance in this play but no formal dance training or experience is required (or expected! That’s the fun and joy of this play.  Read it! :-) 


Please prepare one monologue and one scene from the list below.  Students are highly encouraged to read the full script; copies are in the production office or email Pesha or Alex at or and we'll send you the PDF. 


Sign up for a five minute slot or a 1o minute slot, if you are auditioning with a partner.  Space is provided for both names and partnering is encouraged.  You will each have a chance to do your monologue and then share the scene.  We will partner anyone who auditions solo but plan to stay at least 20 mins after your solo audition spot. 


Arrive 5-10 minutes early to fill and please fill out the online audition form.  Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes you can dance in (or prepare to dance barefoot).  You may or may not be asked to dance on March 3rd.  We will have a movement call for callbacks. 


Character breakdowns:

AMINA: 13; identifies as female; competitive; “the star dancer”

ZUZU: 13; identifies as female; insecure; “always second best”

CONNIE: 13: identifies as a South Asian female; “a talented dancer who thinks she should play the role of Gandhi.”

LUKE: 13; identifies as male; has a crush on Zuzu; “the only male dancer on the team” 

ASHLEE: 13; identifies as female; prone to feral outbursts; “future president of post-apocalyptic USA.”

SOFIA: 13; identifies as female; “knows what’s up.”

MAEVE: 13; identifies as female; Zuzu’s companion; empathetic—a dreamer; “the oldest and least talented dancer on the team”

VANESSA: 13, identifies as female; injures herself in the first scene of the play and does not reappear.  The actor playing VANESSA will also play the MOMS. 

DANCER TEACHER PAT: middle aged; male identifying; strict and demanding dance instructor

THE MOMS: middle aged; female-identifying; very invested in her child’s wellbeing. 


Monologues (please select one):

ASHLEE  pg. 40-43 

ZUZU  pg. 25

DANCE TEACHER PAT  pg. 56-59 “Knock em dead”

AMINA pg. 104-105

LUKE: pg. 27


Scenes (Please prepare one) 

LUKE and LUKE’S MOM Scene 5  pg. 25-29

AMINA and DANCE TEACHER PAT  scene 14 pg. 90-92

ZUZU and LUKE Scene 14 pg. 92-97 “This is my last day of Dance on Earth!!!”

ZUZU’S MOM and DANCE TEACHER PAT  Scene 8 pg. 35-37



ALL UCSB students are invited to participate! ALL UCSB students are invited to audition! 

Join 4 professional playwrights to develop their new works in one week! 


Rehearsals: Monday, April 21st - Thursday, April 24th from 6pm-10pm. Friday, April 25th 1-4 and Saturday, April 26th 10-1


Public Readings: Friday, April 25th at 4pm & 8pm, Saturday, April 26th at 1pm & 5pm followed by a wrap party!


Everyone will be released from all other production responsibilities during this Festival week. 

Students can receive one unit for participating.




The Crossing Party

by Leo Cabranes-Grant

that drive through monterey

by matthew paul olmos

Masters of Fine Arts

by A. Rey Pamatmat

The Rink at the End of the World 

by Megan Tabaque 


Read the plays HERE.



Interested in Design?

Please contact Annie Sheffield (Head of Design)


Interested in Stage Management? 

Please contact Rafael Gonzalez (Production Manager)


Interested in Assisting Directing, Dramaturgy or shadowing a Playwright

Please contact Risa Brainin (LAUNCH PAD Artistic Director) 


Interested in Acting? 

Sign up for Auditions HERE


AUDITIONS are Monday, March 3 from 6pm-10pm and Call-backs are Wednesday, March 5 from 6-10 in the Studio Theater. 

Audition Preparation: Please read the scripts carefully and choose material (short scene or speech) no more than two minutes total to perform from ANY of the plays. You may choose from more than one play as long as you don’t exceed the time limit. You do not need to memorize this material, but it should be well-prepared. Please bear in mind the playwrights’ descriptions of their characters as you choose your material. (unless noted, NB and GNC actors will be considered for all roles.)


If you choose a scene with another character, you may choose a scene partner and prepare and arrive together. Please note that your scene partner does not have to be auditioning for a character in your scene. For example: if you want to do a scene, the actor reading the other role does not need to be auditioning for that role. A reader will also be provided if you do not have a partner.

Selections should be no more than 2 minutes TOTAL. Time your scenes please.


Please write Annie Torsiglieri with auditioning/casting questions.


Here’s the list of CHARACTERS (aka not actors) as described by the playwrights:


The Crossing Party by Leo Cabranes-Grant

The Herrera Family:

Tomás, the father, 60 years old

María, the mother, 50 years old

Ernesto, the son, 18-22 years old

Amalia, the aunt, 17 years old

Feliciano, the cousin, 26 years old


The Madison Family:

Arthur, the father, 50 years old

Elizabeth, the mother, 50 years old

Wallace, the son, 19 years old


that drive thru monterey by matthew paul olmos

All characters are Latine. 

Maximilliano – genuine open’ness, heart on sleeve, nerdy but doesn’t try to hide it.

Monterey – female, youthful, a do’gooder, also heart on sleeve; during premonitions has a more wise, older quality

Lydia – female, says what she thinks with no apologies, political, has a blunt sense of humor

Lupe – female, tough love, expresses her care with sometimes harshness, sarcastic

Lazaro – male, charming, not a villain just raised to be a man


Masters of Fine Arts by A. Rey Pamatmat

Actor 1: Cis Male, Older, to play LIAM: good-humored and more worried about the life he lived than the death he's dying / GIO: hopes being interesting will keep the demons at bay / MFA DESIGN CANDIDATE: blue collar-ish but getting an Ivy League lighting design degree 


Actor 2: Cis Female, Older to play ZOË: wants to enjoy her new chapter without regretting a past one / LUMI: youthful energy in a wise and confident body / MFA DIRECTING CANDIDATE: collaboration welcome, as long as she gets her way


Actor 3: Female, Older or Younger to play MFA DRAMATURGY CANDIDATE: she knows wtf she's talking about — why don't you? 


Actor 4: Female, Younger to play EMMA: wants her maturity appreciated, but doesn't want to want that / JEN: knows there's no place like home, but isn't at home / MFA PLAYWRITING CANDIDATE: confused by why her absolute certainty about confusion is absolutely confusing


Actor 5: Male, Younger, to play KEITH: hopes being honest will keep the demons at bay / THOMAS: knows home is where the heart is, but where is his heart? / MFA ACTING CANDIDATE: direct from undergrad, thinks that if he feels something, he knows it


The Rink at the End of the World by Megan Tabaque

SUZANNE - Team Captain, rink darling, getting old (19) 

she's acts like she's captain of a football team, but it's a skating team. She's had to grow up too fast. She's both mama bear and your older brother. 

NATALIE - bitchy and really skilled, Daughter of Coach Noreen (15)

CHRISTINA- too pretty, likes church, dim but not dumb (18)

NIKKI* - skittish, fragile, an old soul, Daughter of Coach Will (14)

TALL HEATHER - a budding intellectual, way over caffeinated (17)

AMANDA - wise, hearty, weird, first alternate  (15)

Amanda reads as quite odd, singular, unique, strange, and also easy to love 

MR. WILL - Freestyle Coach, Synchro Sub, Nikki’s dad, ageless/timeless charmer 

MS. NOREEN - The new Synchro Coach, a recent hire, mid-divorce, Natalie’s mom


More detailed information about what to prepare is coming soon. 

For questions about auditions, please contact Annie Torsiglieri


OTHER QUESTIONS? Please contact co-Festival Directors Risa Brainin (LAUNCH PAD) and/or Annie Torsiglieri (Amplify)


R.A.W. by Diana Son 


Senior Honors Project directed by Linyi Chen

Performance Date: June 3, 2025 at 7:30 PM in the Studio Theater

ALL UCSB students are invited to audition! 


Rehearsals are in Spring Quarter on Tuesdays and Thursdays Weeks 1 - 9 between the hours of 6PM-10PM until tech week. There is also the possibility of rehearsals on weekends. Please note: ALL ACTORS MUST ATTEND TECH (May 31st from 6-10 PM) and the PERFORMANCE on June 3rd from 6-9 PM. 



R.A.W. (‘Cause I’m a Woman) by Diana Son

A bold, powerful exploration of Asian and Asian American women’s experiences, R.A.W. challenges stereotypes, confronts fetishization, and reclaims identity through humor, raw emotion, and unapologetic storytelling.

Want to read the play? [Read the play HERE.]



 Auditions: Thursday, March 6 | 6pm-10pm in the Studio Theater


Please read the script and pick a side from the play to perform.  [See the Sides HERE.]

You do not need to memorize the scene, but it should be prepared well. We will provide printed copies of the sides.



Interested in Scenic/Light/Projection Design or Stage Management?


Contact Linyi Chen at


Not a major or working on something for a club? Be sure to get written approval from Daniel Herrera ( prior to booking a room. 

Steps for booking a room:

  1. Most theater/dance majors already have an account that was created for them.  Just click this link to start booking:
  2. If that does not work, click here to register an account
  3. Please only reserve one hour per day per project.
  4. If you no longer need a reservation, please delete it so it can be used by your colleagues.
  5. Leave your contact information in the event of an emergency.
  6. Don't see the room you're looking for? Scroll to the right! 

Looking to book a room further out than a week or on a re-occuring basis? Email


Run/Wardrobe Crew (THTR 29D/49/149)


Do you know your 29D, 49 or 149 requirement? Find it HERE



  • Light Board Operator
  • Sound Board Operator
  • Fly Crew
  • Deck/Props Crew
  • Followspot Operator
  • Wardrobe/Makeup Crew


  1. If you have any general pre-emptive questions about crew assignments, positions feel free to email either our Technical Director Sydney Hlavaty The dates for each of the productions can be found in the Calendars section below.
  2. Fill out the following google form to express your interest in specific shows/ assignments throughout the year. NOTE: Filling this out does not guarantee that position or show. 24'-25' Run Crew Sign Up 
  3. We will schedule an appointment via email to discuss/finalize position assignments and to potentially assign your add code through the Academic Advisor Sean O’Shea.


  • All crew positions are first-come, first-served your spot is not secure until you have signed the crew contract after meeting with Denise or Jackson.
  • All events listed on the calendars are required. It is not possible to partially participate in a production.
  • There are no opportunities to make up for an unexcused absence or lateness.


In order to see the specific dates and times of the shows, go to the following link to view the crew calendars. Each show has its own calendar to view. 



  • Sydney Hlavaty,TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, (Run/Board Crews and Costume)



Want to be more involved with the Department? Want to see shows for free? Volunteer to be an usher for one of our shows!

WHAT: As an usher for the department's productions, you will be asked to hand out programs before the show, direct audience members to facilities during intermission, and organize the venue after the performance.

WHEN: Ushers should arrive 45 minutes PRIOR to curtain at the VENUE of the performance and check in with the house manager for instructions and a brief training session.

WEAR: Please arrive dressed tastefully in ALL BLACK.

WHY: For ushering, students may see the performance at no charge. It is possible (though not likely) that ushers will be asked to attend another performance if seating is very limited.

HOW: Use the buttons below to to sign up! You will be asked to enter your email address so that we can send you a reminder. Be advised that sign ups are on a first come, first served basis.


Theater/Dance Mailing List

Email Sean at with your address and the subject "Please add me to the Mailing List." The Mailing List will have the latest information regarding department events such as auditions, run/wardrobe crew, and special events.


Prop/Furniture Rentals

Props/Furniture Rental Guidelines

Props and furniture are available for rental to the following:

  • Students currently enrolled in a class within the department
  • Recognized UCSB student organizations with a faculty advisor
  • Declared Majors/Minors within the department
  • Others as determined by the Technical Director

Rentals are available by appointment only. To make an appointment email Devin Gee at A $50 deposit check is required for all rentals.

Props/Furniture Rental Guidelines


PERFORMANCES: Saturday, November 11th at 2pm & 7:30pm Sunday, November 12th at 2pm